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Murmur on Twitch

Similar to the discord bot, Murmur can also be used on Twitch. The Twitch bot can be added to the chat to allow users to create, execute, and inspect channel-specific Murmur wallets. This guide walks you through how to setup the twitch bot and use it in the chat.



This is a guide for develoeprs to demosntrate lcoal setup and execution of the Twitch bot.

  1. Ideal Network This project is in development and requires you run a local IDN node. You can do this easily with Docker by running:
docker pull ideallabs/etf@latest
docker run -p 9944:9944 ideallabs/etf --tmp --dev --alice --unsafe-rpc-external
  1. Clone the murmur-bots repo and navigate to the twitch directory
git clone
cd twitch/
# install dependencies
npm i
  1. Acquire an Oauth Token for the twitch chat Follow the directions at the link below to get an Oauth token for the channel you want to add the bot to:

You will get an oauth token as output, e.g. oauth:ptoieoeobe33kfkw3jfnqfzijdjd. Create a .env file in the root of the /twitch directory and create the entry TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN=<your oauth token>.

  1. Configure Env Variables
TWITCH_CHANNEL="The twitch channel name (e.g. your username)"
TWITCH_BOT_USERNAME="The name of the bot (e.g. murmur)"
TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN="The token from above"
SECRET_SALT="Any 16 characters, don't expose this, more random = better"
  1. Run the bot
npm run start


  • !auth: Authenticate with the Murmur API to receive a seed. Example: @murmur !auth

  • !create: Create a new Murmur wallet for the Discord user for a given validity period (number of blocks from now until the wallet expires). The wallet will be named the same as the discord username. Example: @murmur !create 1000

  • !execute: Execute a balance transfer by specifying an account address and amount Example: @murmur !execute 5Gg1jV56TPVY4Yd3JWpX2a2dQLhUhCu1jdKovMf1RwcpYeh2 1000

  • !inspect: Given a user has a wallet, inspect the wallet address and balance. Example: @murmur !inspect

  • !drip: Drip 500 tokens to users. This is a totally unprotected test faucet for demo purposes. Example: @murmur !drip

  • !help: Display a help message Example: @murmur !help